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Shape Sorter Ball | Educational Toys

I received this Shape Sorter Ball made by CifToys on Saturday for my daughter who will be 2 years old in Dec. She was so excited to open the box and see what was inside. I opened the box for her and got the ball out. It twists closed with all of the pieces inside. I dumped all of the pieces out for her and to my surprise she knew exactly what to do. She started trying to put the pieces in the holes.

Being so young still I don't think she got the concept that they go in certain holes and she had to find the correct one. But that's where my part came in. This ball allows me to be interactive with her.

I was able to show her how the pieces were supposed to go in. We could even work on colors and shapes.

educational toy

I think that is the thing I love most about this toy. Yellow circle I told her and put it into the ball. She thought this was hilarious for some reason! :)

As I said before this ball twists together and holds the pieces inside. So once we were done playing and learning we put all of the pieces in using the holes they go in and were able to easily store this without losing any of it.


As far as the product itself it is BPA free, Phthalates free, and non-toxic. The shape pieces are large enough they are not choking hazards and this toy is recommended for 18+ months. It can be easily stored as well as taken along for distraction away from home.

My daughter enjoys this toy and I like it because she is learning and having fun at the same time.

Click the photo above for more product information.

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